last week i went to singapore, and bought a necklace from a local brand, vice and vanity.
the label itself was founded in jan 2006. the design is very simple and modern with a hint of russian constructivism.
these are from their latest collection "one, two"
i bought one of these el lissitzky-esque designs
other designs
the price range is from sgd80 to sgd110
these are taken from vice & vanity.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
ahh holiday means EXERCISE!
in 2 years i gained 15 kg! ya 15 kg!!
my tummy is so much much much bigger...
i want free aerobic dance class!,,
wahay ANTV... kembalikan program prima raga!!!
(since i used to*accidentaly*watch it cos i woke up a bit too early every sunday morning)
i want my aerobic-goddess vicky burky, NOW!!!
my tummy is so much much much bigger...
i want free aerobic dance class!,,
wahay ANTV... kembalikan program prima raga!!!
(since i used to*accidentaly*watch it cos i woke up a bit too early every sunday morning)
i want my aerobic-goddess vicky burky, NOW!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
ergghhh..are you ok? well..i bet you don't!
i was surfing random friendster profile, it was noone interesting until i found someone with a nickname
i was like omg!..what's wrong with you! obviously means "fuck everyone!".
okay, i can tolerate if you were a bloody emo, since an emo doesn't like people..but then,
(this photo entitled kLo aD y9 maO cLuBbin9....aJak2 akU ya9H......)
duhhhh!'re not an emo!. please, tell me!, what's wrong with you??
you guys might be wondering about her shoutout...
it was "jgN biLg caPa2 yaH..kL aK syG mA kM.."
oh another wtf! put "fuckbwatcmuany" as the nickname and "gN biLg caPa2 yaH..kL aK syG mA kM." as the shout out...once again, i am asking politely, what's wrong with you?..
it refers back to the primary pic she puts
it is captioned "ssssttttssss..jgn bilg capa2 yah..kl ak syg bgt ma km"
well, actually her pictures are not ok, but i can stand them( cos my 14-yo sister does the same thing too and i bet she will stop doing it by 17). but please, change the captions. i'm begging, please, don't let me puke on my keyboard.
this is her profile, please read carefully...
* Schools (Other):
duLu..TK di FR tRus..tin9gal nyEbRan9, uDh SMP FR skRg...nyAsaR di SMA 31....ehH...2thN di Y.A.I...ckRg d'UIR riAu
* Occupation:
caLoN isTri 'n iBu y9 baE.........
* Affiliations:
WS_CREW.. dLU zELoTic pRodUcTiOn..
* Hobbies and Interests:
dLu 9w snEng bgT mA y9 nMany cLUbBing.. yaH, miN. 2x1miNg9u.. biZ cLuBbin9, nOkiB dLu d'MPR trZ LnjuT Lg k'sTadiUm.. n9'dAncE d'aTas baR&sTagE.. hUnTing cOwo2 LutcHu.. sLLu pkE kCamaTa reTrO.. tiaP kmiS, mAngkaL d'BLisS mA tmN2 9w.. tiaP mLm, nongkRong d'kNaRi&nOkiB mA tmN2 9w.. nOkiB mPe tePaR.. jRang pULang k'HumZ.. cHEck 'iN mA tmn2.. mLeZ bgT kUL.. maEn kaRtu d'kaNtin kmPuS.. tP skRg uD bOseN bOw!!! skRg 9w Lbh sNeng n9umPuL mA tMn2 9w.. (conratz!now you are officially the coolest girl in the world. oh, i mean ThA KeWLeZSt DoPE iN da WuRLd)
* Favorite Books:
mAab yaH...9w gaQ sUka baCa...( ya i agree. the more stupid, the cooler!)
* Favorite Movies:
aP aJ y9 eNaQ dtOntOn.......
* Favorite Music:
9w sUka, RnB, pRogResS...LopHe2 bRanTakaN...
* Favorite TV Shows:
baJaJ baJuRi..... cHaTtin9..... n9LaBa..... hOroR..... pkOkNy y9 bBaU kOmeDi dEy.....
* Zodiac Sign:
* About Me:
gW tUh...
1.pLg syG mA bOkaP gW wLauPun dY oToRiteR...
2.pLg sUka b'gAuL aLiaS pNY bnYk tMn...(hihihihihi.. :D )
3.gmpaNg bgT kTaWa...(can i tickle you?)
4.paLing sUka peL.MaTemaTika...pkOny y9 b'Bau iTun92an dEy...
5.sUka aSaL2an...
6.sUka LiaT cOwo2 CakeP+kEreN (nAma'ny jG cEwe)...
7.pNy bnYk aBang kTmU geDe...
8.plg gaQ bS noLak(dLm haL aP'pUn)...(what if 70 year old man ask u to have threesome with him and his wife?, ga bisa nolak juga donk!)
9.pLg gMpanG pcAraN tP gmPaNg pTuz jG...(hahahah i get it!)
10.pLg gAq bS yaNg nama'ny JOMBLO Lama2...( I GET IT!!)
11.pLg gaQ bS mRaH(bS d'biLg gW oRg'ny sBaR bgT,hEheHeE...)...(please dont be angry when you see this)
12.seX'ny gW syG mA oRg,mPe neRaka jG gW kJaR...( seX nya ato sekalinya?)
13.gMaPanG pcAya Ma oRg tP kLo k'taW'an bOkiS,gW gaQ mO kNaL Lg...(fuck! it's impossible!everybody lies!!)
14.kadang2 sUka LemOt...
15.sUka cLuBbin9 mA tmN2 9w... miN. 1bLn bS 8x... yah.. smBiL hUnTing cowO2 LuTchU + amBiL gLaR "aNk 9aoL" gT... waKAkaKK... tP tU dLu c, skRg gY pJuan9aN kRaS bwT (-)in... scR d9n gT 9w c bHraP bS pny cowO aNk baE2, 9aQ pLayeR + bRengSeK... ngaReP bgT yaH..??!eEhmM....kLo mO tAw bNyk, gW aJ...wAkaKaKk... bUbhYeE....
* Who I Want to Meet:
9w mo kNaL mA bNyk oRg.. tP y9 pSti dY gA n9bokiSiN 9w.. 9w mO tAw bBa9ai mCem kArakTeR oRg2.. bwT pNgeTaHuaN 9w aJ c.. scR 9w kUL juR.PsikOLo9i gT.. heHEhe.. 9w Lbih sUka mA oRg y9 aP aD'ny.. pLin9 gaQ, 9w bS nRimA dY aP aD'ny.. jD Lw tiNg9aL aDD gW di 9w tNg9u LoH..
okay i tell you, this sex-crazed-girl is extremely insane
my previous review: friendster part 1
friendster part 2
i was like omg!..what's wrong with you! obviously means "fuck everyone!".
okay, i can tolerate if you were a bloody emo, since an emo doesn't like people..but then,
(this photo entitled kLo aD y9 maO cLuBbin9....aJak2 akU ya9H......)
duhhhh!'re not an emo!. please, tell me!, what's wrong with you??
you guys might be wondering about her shoutout...
it was "jgN biLg caPa2 yaH..kL aK syG mA kM.."
oh another wtf! put "fuckbwatcmuany" as the nickname and "gN biLg caPa2 yaH..kL aK syG mA kM." as the shout out...once again, i am asking politely, what's wrong with you?..
it refers back to the primary pic she puts
it is captioned "ssssttttssss..jgn bilg capa2 yah..kl ak syg bgt ma km"
well, actually her pictures are not ok, but i can stand them( cos my 14-yo sister does the same thing too and i bet she will stop doing it by 17). but please, change the captions. i'm begging, please, don't let me puke on my keyboard.
this is her profile, please read carefully...
- Female, 20, Single
- Interested In: Relationship Men, Dating Men, Friends
- Member Since: Feb 2005
- Location: Jamaica (duhh! wake up gurl! , u live in INDONESIA!)
- Hometown: dmN aJ jD,y9 pnTin9 bS bO2....(uhhmmm!?!?..okay!)
- Last Login: 1 week
* Schools (Other):
duLu..TK di FR tRus..tin9gal nyEbRan9, uDh SMP FR skRg...nyAsaR di SMA 31....ehH...2thN di Y.A.I...ckRg d'UIR riAu
* Occupation:
caLoN isTri 'n iBu y9 baE.........
* Affiliations:
WS_CREW.. dLU zELoTic pRodUcTiOn..
* Hobbies and Interests:
dLu 9w snEng bgT mA y9 nMany cLUbBing.. yaH, miN. 2x1miNg9u.. biZ cLuBbin9, nOkiB dLu d'MPR trZ LnjuT Lg k'sTadiUm.. n9'dAncE d'aTas baR&sTagE.. hUnTing cOwo2 LutcHu.. sLLu pkE kCamaTa reTrO.. tiaP kmiS, mAngkaL d'BLisS mA tmN2 9w.. tiaP mLm, nongkRong d'kNaRi&nOkiB mA tmN2 9w.. nOkiB mPe tePaR.. jRang pULang k'HumZ.. cHEck 'iN mA tmn2.. mLeZ bgT kUL.. maEn kaRtu d'kaNtin kmPuS.. tP skRg uD bOseN bOw!!! skRg 9w Lbh sNeng n9umPuL mA tMn2 9w.. (conratz!now you are officially the coolest girl in the world. oh, i mean ThA KeWLeZSt DoPE iN da WuRLd)
* Favorite Books:
mAab yaH...9w gaQ sUka baCa...( ya i agree. the more stupid, the cooler!)
* Favorite Movies:
aP aJ y9 eNaQ dtOntOn.......
* Favorite Music:
9w sUka, RnB, pRogResS...LopHe2 bRanTakaN...
* Favorite TV Shows:
baJaJ baJuRi..... cHaTtin9..... n9LaBa..... hOroR..... pkOkNy y9 bBaU kOmeDi dEy.....
* Zodiac Sign:
* About Me:
gW tUh...
1.pLg syG mA bOkaP gW wLauPun dY oToRiteR...
2.pLg sUka b'gAuL aLiaS pNY bnYk tMn...(hihihihihi.. :D )
3.gmpaNg bgT kTaWa...(can i tickle you?)
4.paLing sUka peL.MaTemaTika...pkOny y9 b'Bau iTun92an dEy...
5.sUka aSaL2an...
6.sUka LiaT cOwo2 CakeP+kEreN (nAma'ny jG cEwe)...
7.pNy bnYk aBang kTmU geDe...
8.plg gaQ bS noLak(dLm haL aP'pUn)...(what if 70 year old man ask u to have threesome with him and his wife?, ga bisa nolak juga donk!)
9.pLg gMpanG pcAraN tP gmPaNg pTuz jG...(hahahah i get it!)
10.pLg gAq bS yaNg nama'ny JOMBLO Lama2...( I GET IT!!)
11.pLg gaQ bS mRaH(bS d'biLg gW oRg'ny sBaR bgT,hEheHeE...)...(please dont be angry when you see this)
12.seX'ny gW syG mA oRg,mPe neRaka jG gW kJaR...( seX nya ato sekalinya?)
13.gMaPanG pcAya Ma oRg tP kLo k'taW'an bOkiS,gW gaQ mO kNaL Lg...(fuck! it's impossible!everybody lies!!)
14.kadang2 sUka LemOt...
15.sUka cLuBbin9 mA tmN2 9w... miN. 1bLn bS 8x... yah.. smBiL hUnTing cowO2 LuTchU + amBiL gLaR "aNk 9aoL" gT... waKAkaKK... tP tU dLu c, skRg gY pJuan9aN kRaS bwT (-)in... scR d9n gT 9w c bHraP bS pny cowO aNk baE2, 9aQ pLayeR + bRengSeK... ngaReP bgT yaH..??!eEhmM....kLo mO tAw bNyk, gW aJ...wAkaKaKk... bUbhYeE....
* Who I Want to Meet:
9w mo kNaL mA bNyk oRg.. tP y9 pSti dY gA n9bokiSiN 9w.. 9w mO tAw bBa9ai mCem kArakTeR oRg2.. bwT pNgeTaHuaN 9w aJ c.. scR 9w kUL juR.PsikOLo9i gT.. heHEhe.. 9w Lbih sUka mA oRg y9 aP aD'ny.. pLin9 gaQ, 9w bS nRimA dY aP aD'ny.. jD Lw tiNg9aL aDD gW di 9w tNg9u LoH..
okay i tell you, this sex-crazed-girl is extremely insane
my previous review: friendster part 1
friendster part 2
ute ploier s/s 08
Ute ploier is a designer to die for. She takes the lightness of raf simons and the sharpness of hedi slimane. very light, modern, minimalist, humble yet sophisticated.
This is something what i'd like to wear, but i don't think i can pull off these looks.
well done mrs. ploier. who doesn't like to see skinny boys in skinnier jeans and pretty boys in prettier clothes!.
This is something what i'd like to wear, but i don't think i can pull off these looks.
well done mrs. ploier. who doesn't like to see skinny boys in skinnier jeans and pretty boys in prettier clothes!.
Sunday, November 11, 2007 juniors are crazy
i can't believe this was shot in MY HIGHSCHOOL!@!!!!!@!@!
teman yg sangat G4uL!!
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
kmaren dj wewe ultah di ekuinox,x2
aditya zadewa says:
dj wewe siapa?
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
temennya dj riri
aditya zadewa says:
aditya zadewa says:
lu dateng?
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
g ga nyangka amp crowded bgt
aditya zadewa says:
aditya zadewa says:
byar brapa?
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
get ivitation 3
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
ga mungkin d g k club bayar
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
*then i didn't reply*
kmaren dj wewe ultah di ekuinox,x2
aditya zadewa says:
dj wewe siapa?
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
temennya dj riri
aditya zadewa says:
aditya zadewa says:
lu dateng?
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
g ga nyangka amp crowded bgt
aditya zadewa says:
aditya zadewa says:
byar brapa?
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
get ivitation 3
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
ga mungkin d g k club bayar
I.Luv.Chocolate.Mint............. says:
*then i didn't reply*
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Björk + Reactable
the Icelandic singer Björk incorporates the reactable as a key instrument of her Volta world tour.
she introduced the reactable for the first time to a mainstream audience in glastonbury.
The reacTable is an electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop Tangible User Interface that has been developed within the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain by Sergi Jordà, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Günter Geiger and Marcos Alonso.
this is how it looks
this is how it works
she introduced the reactable for the first time to a mainstream audience in glastonbury.
The reacTable is an electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop Tangible User Interface that has been developed within the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain by Sergi Jordà, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Günter Geiger and Marcos Alonso.
this is how it looks
this is how it works
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
HAHAHA LOL!!! sorry, I can't stop laughing....
fav line: mama shook an iron coat
fav line: girly man :D
the best of all
i will do anything to watch this one!!!from the lyrics to the choreography..EVERYTHING..
i've never seen something like this before..SO PERFECT!!!
i'm crying with joy....
fav line: mama shook an iron coat
fav line: girly man :D
the best of all
i will do anything to watch this one!!!from the lyrics to the choreography..EVERYTHING..
i've never seen something like this before..SO PERFECT!!!
i'm crying with joy....
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